What Will I Be? - Comments

  • Writer in the Rye

    Writer in the Rye (100)

    United States
    So you were talented even from a young age, is that what you are saying? ;) Haha but seriously, this poem brings one word to my mind: INNOCENCE. I think all children need to write poetry, because this is simply fantastic. It put the BIGGEST smile on my face and I can't believe how talented you are, even from a childish and innocent poem like this. It was so cute, and I will be leaving here in a good mood. You are quite gifted! The wording was quaint and eloquent, very happy I got to read this :) if you reviewed my poem "Don't Give In" it would like make my life ;) Only if you want to of course. Please never stop writing, and when you are published, PLEASE share this poem. I am all smiles after reading this and you should be too!!

    God Bless!!

    April 28th, 2013 at 10:04pm
  • Writer in the Rye

    Writer in the Rye (100)

    United States
    So you were talented even from a young age, is that what you are saying? ;) Haha but seriously, this poem brings one word to my mind: INNOCENCE. I think all children need to write poetry, because this is simply fantastic. It put the BIGGEST smile on my face and I can't believe how talented you are, even from a childish and innocent poem like this. It was so cute, and I will be leaving here in a good mood. You are quite gifted! The wording was quaint and eloquent, very happy I got to read this :) if you reviewed my poem "Don't Give In" it would like make my life ;) Only if you want to of course. Please never stop writing, and when you are published, PLEASE share this poem. I am all smiles after reading this and you should be too!!

    God Bless!!

    April 28th, 2013 at 10:04pm