All You've Done to Me - Comments

  • Wow this poem is amazingly real and well written. You can tell from the emotion that is packed into it that it was based on a real situation with real feelings and emotions. There are so many people out there who are only in it for them selves and only want to help them selves out. When other people need help, they are no where to be found, but when they need something they expect other people to be there immediately at their beck and call. I really like the last few lines - it's true that it's abuse, even if it's not in the classic sense, and that's a relationship that people need to just get away from and not be a part of.
    May 30th, 2014 at 10:23pm
  • Hi! I just saw your poem on the Feature article and I think this is great! I know you said you don't think you are a good poet but this is very impressive. There is so much raw anger to it, but you managed to make it a credible piece of writing. Great job! :)
    July 16th, 2013 at 06:21am