Trust - Comments

  • THANK YOU! Means a lot to me the someone read my poem... and likes it! I shall keep writing friend and I hope you like my future poems. Would you mind asking your friends to read them too? I would really like more opinions in my poems. Of course you don't have to, just wondering.
    Thanks friend!
    July 12th, 2013 at 08:04pm
  • First of all, I liked your title. It's probably not one of a kind as so many people write about trust. Usually then I suggest people to find a bit more unique and personal name, but this time the name trust fit and described the poem perfectly. Not only that, it completed the poem, makes it easier to understand. I liked the symbolism you've used. It makes the poem more beautiful and elegant, and that way your readers can always feel it very touching. The last lines were maybe a slight bit.. Lonely or unexpected. (Which means that a
    I liked them) this is a good poem. Keep writing!(:
    July 12th, 2013 at 12:45am