You're Not - Comments

  • tumblingcactus

    tumblingcactus (100)

    United States
    @ swell
    Yeah it does always seem that people do it from the point of view were it is the male treating the female wrong. But it isn't always that way.

    Thanks for the word correction too. I don't always catch those kind of things haha.

    Actually in this poem it is about a lesbian relationship but. That's the way i looked at it when writing it. But Since you said something you could either look at it like that or like male and female. It all depends on how you read it and how you take it. Thanks!
    July 17th, 2013 at 05:10pm
  • swell

    swell (150)

    I quite like the approach you've taken with this. I find, when people write stories or poems about how one person is mistreating the other person, it's from a male who's treating his woman wrong. But with this you've spun it around so it's the woman talking about how another woman is treating the man she loves wrong, at least that's the assumption I get from reading this.

    Flours at random times I think you mean, flowers at random times.

    Reading this mistake though, I'm not assuming that this is a lesbian relationship or something similar? Either way, I think you captured the feeling of wanting what you can't have and yearning for the other person to see that who they're with is not good enough for them. Good job!
    July 17th, 2013 at 07:32am