Amen - Comments

  • The imagery in this is lovely, just like the sentiment.

    I really like the part about the snow being a blanket for the earth.
    October 6th, 2017 at 03:27am
  • This is absolutely lovely. The narrative format you used is very effective. I especially felt my heart pull when you said, "How when the window blows/Tossing our hair all about/It's just the Lord using his fingers to come our hair." That is something that will easily stick with me for quite sometime. It is said that the Lord speaks in still, small whispers and that even the tiniest things, such as the wind, are gentle reminders of His presence.

    This poem was already elegantly written, but there was a heightened beauty about it once you revealed it had been a grandmother's message. Words that stand alone can be defined, but when a talented soul brings them together such as this, they are given meaning. Wonderful work. Have you entered this into any competitions, or perhaps submitted it to an anthology?
    May 11th, 2015 at 03:17am
  • I like the "When people argue, it's because they can see the biggest flaw of those around them and within themselves" part a lot. Nice poem.
    August 11th, 2013 at 05:37am