Our Ghosts - Comments

  • deck of cards

    deck of cards (100)

    United States
    Very close. The part about the father is correct, and he hates the narrator for being with his daughter. Thus the curses spilling from her head. The two decide to commit suicide together and die, their souls floating in the air. Not having to care for time anymore, the narrator gives his whole self to the girl as he watched her die. Ring rolling across the floor was just an attempt to put the image in your head that after she cut herself she went unconscious and limply fell to the ground. 'But they cut your eyes wide open.' They meaning the paramedics that came and saved her life at the last second. The narrator watches and hopes that she doesn't give up on death because he won't be able to reach her. She survives, and he sinks into the sea instead of floating in the air. Wrapped in piano strings is something tied around him making him unable to keep himself from falling. The only person that can save him is the girl, but she doesn't say the words to keep him alive. He haunts her as he watches her live her life and move on without him, waiting for her to die and go to his side. Once he accepted it, that's when he again sinks, but this time he falls towards hell. The creatures are the screaming people already there, and the airplanes and engines are a metaphor for fire and smoke, which at the end burn and bury him for good and he's forever separated from the girl. Sorry for the super long explanation!
    November 16th, 2013 at 07:43pm
  • kickingchaos

    kickingchaos (100)

    United States
    I saw your father in the hall- meaning they move into this house. there was something bad that happended to the dad, then when it said so i pulled the trigger and we floated maning she pulled the gun the same way as the girl before did. which is why the dad was unpset. up in the aie- not quite into the heaven just below it. ring rolled on to the floor- no more a marriage. sink in the sea wrapped in piano strings- drowned and loves music. now im just beneath your floor. - bruy under the house, a forgotten grave. my ghost try to keep you warm- trying to be a nice ghost of letting the next perosn move into the house no pull the gun. but she/he is going to die anyway and join her
    November 13th, 2013 at 05:52pm