Christmas Lights - Comments

  • Airi.

    Airi. (2240)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Hey there~ I'm here as a judge for the Magazine's Winter Wonders contest. Cute

    I have to admit that this poem wasn't what I was expecting to read, but that is a good thing. It's always nice to see people taking these sort of contests and interpreting the prompts in a bit of an unexpected way. I liked that you chose to focus on the past and reminisce about what Christmas used to be instead of focusing on the present or the future, it's a very neat way to interpret the prompt.

    The poem seemed to flow very well, although the lack of stanzas does take a bit away from the flow of the poem. There was one sentence in the poem that was a bit strange to me and sort of broke the flow of the poem a bit, it kind of threw me off. The lines when I used to cast my angel in the snow / throw balls and balls of snow, it's the latter part of the lines that threw me off a bit. It just seems to me to be a bit overly repetitive. Repetition can be a good element in poems but I don't feel like it went over very well in that part. It is very small though so it doesn't effect the poem too much, I'm probably just being nitpicky. :P

    Overall, I think you did really well on the poem. It was a very nice read and it was something I wasn't expecting, which is something I always quite enjoy encountering. You did very well on it, nice job. Cute
    December 29th, 2013 at 03:32am
  • PoeticBeauty86

    PoeticBeauty86 (100)

    United States
    awww Thanks Brittany and I usually break my poems up into stanzas but this poem was so short so I left it as is and omg I agree lol the color is too much I was just getting into the whole Christmas Spirit that I got a bit carried away. Thank you so much you were spot on :)
    December 28th, 2013 at 08:36pm
  • delirium.

    delirium. (1200)

    United States
    Hello, my name is Brittany and I'm one of the judges for the Magazine's Winter's Wonders Contest.

    The innocence of Christmas through a child's eyes is always the best, isn't? I can relate to this so much. I miss how Christmas used to be. All the small things that you took for granted back then are the ones you miss most. I think this was very well done, but I do have a few critiques.

    I think this poem would be easier on the eyes if it were to be split up into stanzas, it's kind of like taking a breath in between giving a speech. Another is the color of the font, it's pretty hard to read on the blue background.

    That's really all, honestly, I love'd your description of the snow man. The repetitiveness of the 'red and green' lights was also very nice. Just I could get that nostalgic feeling of Christmas by reading your poem, and that kind of feeling just fills me with a soft warmth. Great job!
    December 28th, 2013 at 06:43pm