Fine Line Between - Comments

  • Ayesha C

    Ayesha C (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Can I just say, I just went on your profile and I don't think you're any of those things. you're effin beautiful darling and your work is great so your also talented. If you choose to let other people define your insecurities, then you should also let other people define your good parts too. You're 14, you shouldn't be dealing with some petty comments but unfortunately that's our world. I can say that it does get better, if not, a little easier. So chin up gorgeous!!!
    January 31st, 2014 at 06:29pm
  • HannaDarling

    HannaDarling (100)

    United States
    I think it is suffice to say that if you are a human being you will be constantly be plagued by some form of insecurities. And honestly, if someone says any of those things to you, i can guarantee it's been said to them. Apparantly, their lives are full of too much misery that they decide to pass it along to alleviate their own pain. That's all they are doing; trying to find an easy target to take their anger at themselves out on. You can not let them get under your skin. If they do, and you show that it affects you, they won't stop. And to think, they cause you pain to make themselves feel less insecure. Tsk Tsk
    January 31st, 2014 at 04:24am