Death of a Life - Comments

  • Hey.
    I was just checking out your stories and found out none of 'em was below R lol So, here I am reading your poem instead. Cute
    "Yesterday's forsaken
    Tomorrow's forgotten"
    Those were definitely my favorite lines. How do I put this? This poem was gripping, and powerful in its own way. Excellent job. Keep it up! :)
    March 26th, 2014 at 06:36am
  • Just. Wow. Okay, there's nothing I can say except that this is beautiful. It's simple, which I liked. But those simple words packed a double whammy. This is such an amazing poem. I just. Okay, wow. I cannot tell you exactly how much this has struck me, which is why I can't seem to form proper sentences anymore. Beautifully done, wonderful language and images. Kudos. This is one of those poems that just stay with you.
    March 26th, 2014 at 01:37am