The Rope Will Burn - Comments

  • [ I'm here as a magical gift-elf to deliver you a Christmas gift tehe ]

    Layout / Title

    The title was initially what pulled me in. It has this incredible mystery about it, especially with the connotations it throws out. Coupling that with the layout when I clicked in, I definitely knew this was going to be a pretty incredible poem. Those two things just gel together so well and when you read through, everything just works together perfectly.


    I'll start with the technical aspect of the poem. In terms of the writing style and the actual structure of the poem itself, I think you've done a fantastic job. The rhyme scheme works perfectly to keep the pace of the poem steady throughout, and the way you've structured it is lovely. I especially like the last line of the main stanza is slightly longer, and that the little couplet at the end just seems to tie off everything perfectly.

    Actually looking at the words themselves though, I was blown away. From what I got, it is a pretty sensitive topic, but you've managed to absolutely do it justice. You get this sense of urgency from the words, and I love that you've weaved the superstition in throughout the lines: I also found it super-interesting that you had mentioned the 13 hang-nails, because from what I can remember (as well as 13 being a super-weird number in terms of superstitious thoughts), looping a hangman's noose 13 times is a bad omen for whoever is doing the hanging. I don't know if that was your intention, but I linked those together and it just made for really interesting reading, that part.

    What I liked most, though, was the little couplet at the end. The idea of having this question-and-answer seems to give the poem this sense of finality and aside from that, the last line is absolutely gorgeous. Absolutely my favourite part of this poem, and probably one of my favourite lines I've read in a poem on here in a good while.


    I have absolutely no constructive criticism to give. Your layout, title and the story this poem tells all work together to create this wonderfully atmospheric poem that actually gave me shivers as I was reading. Amazing job!
    December 15th, 2014 at 12:38pm