My Sanctuary - Comments

  • XSoulXLoverX

    XSoulXLoverX (350)

    I love the Acrostic poem because I think only really talented people are able to truly pull it off. I think is a really challenging genre to write in because often it can become insanely cheesy, and bring. Well, this poem is anything but that. This poem is fresh, well written and beautiful. I love the words you use because you choose them perfectly to get your message across. I love your style and I love how you chose Mibba as the topic of your poem. I think you captured all that Mibba is in such a fresh and unique way. I was hooked on this poem and just didn't want it to be over. You're insanely talented I must say. I love the flow of the poem, it's perfect and I found myself loving every moment I had with this poem. I think all us Mibba users can relate, and I loved it.
    You're just so good!
    July 18th, 2014 at 08:37pm
  • nearly witches.

    nearly witches. (15250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I'm here as a judge for the Magazine's Mibba Acrostic contest!

    I love the acrostic itself - I always think of Mibba as my own sanctuary so I can totally relate to that. The final line especially rings true with me, because I believe that Mibba is a place that everyone can feel like they belong and fit in. I loved the little anecdotes about the separate sections too - I think that, despite the fact that we've got a great community feel, people seem to forget that the main focus of the site is creative writing, so those little call-outs to the story and poem sections really made me happy.

    All-in-all, I think that you've perfectly captured the essence of what you believe Mibba to be and what I believe Mibba to be as well. It's heartfelt, it's gorgeous and it's so heart-warming to read how much the site means to you. Excellent job!
    May 6th, 2014 at 09:08pm