Mibba - Comments

  • Katie Mosing

    Katie Mosing (33815)

    United States
    Hi, I'm commenting as one of the contest judges Cute

    I absolutely loved reading this poem. I like how you continued M I B B A three separate times instead of just one, which allowed you to write a longer and more detailed poem. I also like how you didn't just use the poem to describe what Mibba is and instead had a journey onto Mibba that was both funny and relatable to those other Mibbians who are from different time zones XD This was a very fun poem to read and I really like that you did something unique with it!
    May 8th, 2014 at 06:00pm
  • kickingchaos

    kickingchaos (100)

    United States
    Nice Job! I like how you got right to the point by using a clear visionary in your poem. The way you make the whole stanza sound like one whole sentence works very well for your poem. You have some unity connecting the background and your poem. "Blue glaring at me.." while you colored the background a unique shade of blue. I always would like to point out that it was a smart move to not have the background color the same as the original mibba color. This way it engages us in the poem itself. Overall very simple and right to the point!
    May 6th, 2014 at 11:31pm