Always - Comments

  • @ kickingchaos
    Thank you for the delightful comment! You understood the poem quite well. :3
    May 7th, 2014 at 02:05pm
  • Wow, just wow this is great! What got my attention is that even though your poem title is different than your actual Acrostic, they both tie together quite nice. This poem shows how Mibba can be very life changing. The poem starts off in a darker sense in the first stanza but as the poem progresses it gets hopeful and sweet. The turning point where this happens will have to be your last line in the first stanza. This line makes you stop and think about what one may be capable of doing. For someone to re question their life. Which is why I really like your poem. Your background is very realistic, just like your poem and peaceful. I think that is what you where trying to get across is that Mibba can be very peaceful. You did a very well job! :)
    May 7th, 2014 at 12:13am