You Wouldn't Understand - Comments

  • XSoulXLoverX

    XSoulXLoverX (350)

    Wow. This poem is a really interesting one and it is not something I would have thought about. It was done really nicely and I think you created something that is insanely powerful. I think you took something that we are so accustomed to living in and not highlighting the fact that what we are living in is some kind of war. You had a really great use of diction and I'm so glad that I came across this poem. I think you managed to use the right emotional value in this poem as well. You managed to created this amazing poem. The title also reflects this poem beautifully and you captured the title through and through this poem.

    My favorite lines would have to be "
    My stomach is bloated and puckered, it protrudes and repulses:Malnutrition conquers and consumes me / Magazines conquer and consume me."
    I thought that this was perfect. You really captured exactly what our world is. Magazines do capture all these things and magazines do dictate a lot about how people live, and the way you brought that out in the poem was just magnificent and I was so moved by that line.

    This poem is fantastic! Wow!
    July 7th, 2014 at 08:16pm