The Twisted Dark Thoughts Inside My Head - Comments

  • Forgetful-Insomniacs

    Forgetful-Insomniacs (100)

    Christmas Island
    No need to fear for me extremely long commenter I'm fine...ish but hey it's not an everyday thing for people to be like this In all honesty I'm getting better so yeah don't worry love because one o my sayings is everything will be alright eventually i had a loooong comment all topped out but well it accidentally deleted itself I'm an atheist just because well it never really made much sense to me the whole religion thing i mean there's SOOOOO many holes it's almost fucking infinite not even kidding. I didn't always understand why exactly i was depressed or why i hated myself at all (I've recently come to the conclusion that I'm an awesome fuck up) but then i got back a shit ton (good i even type vulgarly) of repressed memories that are fucking sticky as shit from elephants is stinky but like i think i said I'm getting better i could go more indef on why i am the way I've accidentally turned out buuuuut i currently have ran out of the patience required so without further ado the longest comment award goes to YOU ok I've been wanting to dip thay since o saw the end of your comment...and also I FUCKING ABSOLUTELY LOVE YOUR PROFILE PICTURE IT'S AWESOME ok I'm done
    November 5th, 2014 at 10:58pm
  • Indie_Pixie

    Indie_Pixie (100)

    United States
    (o.o) I don't know how to say it...(-_-) Umm...this is hard. I fear for you. Your words, just came and grabbed onto my soul and literally screamed at me. I'm not trying to sound artistic at all. I do understand that writing and literature, or art is a form of escaping reality and finding another way. Finding an escape and creating something more than we can obtain. I'm afraid...when I read things like this I don't know what exactly is happening, but I can wonder what is happening. I'm not going to put myself in a position where you'll get mad at me. But sometimes people who are depressed are trying to find answers. And when we don't receive them, we tend to blame the ones who created us or the ones who didn't answer.

    For example if we go the religious way, we blame God. If we go the atheist (I don't know how to spell it) way, we blame people, for example parent, doctors, and even friends. We feel people listen but aren't listening. We feel that we speak of our problems, but suddenly it becomes all about the person we are speaking to. Or if we speak and someone does listen, they suddenly start forcing a lifestyle on us. Like medication or gender roles. I'm not sure what is happening to you...

    You see that is where it get's complicated. You have the talent of expressing through words. Without realizing it, you are emotionally and artistically screaming at us. Either for help, an answer, or even for love.

    It's these emotions that we are in great search of that lead os to disillusion when we don't receive them instantly. So please hold on, and don't let go. Self-harm isn't the way...and before you dare attempt anything. Stop and think...that i'm here on the other side of the screen with a keyboard ready to type out a solution and keep you in this world that does have an answer.

    I'm sorry! \(-_-)/

    (I'm sure this is longest comment I've ever done on Mibba...)
    November 3rd, 2014 at 02:51am
  • Forgetful-Insomniacs

    Forgetful-Insomniacs (100)

    Christmas Island
    @ Mrs.JamesMaslow
    Yep I did it was quite nice, if you ever want to get inside my head about why or what I feel when I do it just ask...or read one of my poems which I feel like uploading another one later,I did that once because I was having a panic attack after my dad pulled me by my hair and there were strands...I swear I lost my sanity for a bit that year, well thank you love comments always make me happy to see its like being told HEEEEY YOU ARE REAL AND YOU AREN'T INVISIBLE YOU'RE HERE WITH US you know what I mean?
    November 2nd, 2014 at 02:21am
  • Nisha-Shate

    Nisha-Shate (100)

    United States
    Yeah. I'm glad u liked my story. I wasn't sure if I was portraying the character correctly since i Dont cut myself but I cut and pull out my hair, but your comment and recommend gave me confidence.
    November 2nd, 2014 at 12:23am
  • Forgetful-Insomniacs

    Forgetful-Insomniacs (100)

    Christmas Island
    @ Mrs.JamesMaslow
    glad you like it, my friend kept bugging me to try writing poetry and I'm happy it came out well and yeah it does help for the most part :/
    November 1st, 2014 at 07:54pm
  • Nisha-Shate

    Nisha-Shate (100)

    United States
    Loved ur poem. Glad there's someone else out there who understand the power of writing when it comes to self-harming. Helps me most of the time.
    November 1st, 2014 at 06:57am