Teenage Soldier - Comments

  • Phew - that all came our in one stream idek.
    March 26th, 2015 at 12:42am
  • @ New World
    Basically you're spot on - well done! All of that, but also so much more. And it's about how the older generations are constantly down our throats for labelling us as the self-obsessed, technology-addicted generation when we're living in a apocalypse of a society that is of THEIR making. Where the economy is shit and no one can afford anything and there's inequality everywhere and we could easily fix world poverty but the elite aren't willing to sacrifice their capitalist profit market and there's war because the government want oil except of course they won't say that - they label these people as terrorists while the real entities of terror are our very own police force who should be for our protection AND children hate school and teenagers are suicidal - AND THE OLDER GENERATION THINKS WE ARE INCAPABLE OF ANYTHING when in reality it is the youth who are the forefront of protests. It is the youth who want change, who are on social media, spreading awareness, most of who are capable of knowing right from wrong, who accept different races and sexualities and genders and ethnicities and are shouting at all of the world's injustices while at the same time preaching self love. We are disgusted by what we see. We are disgusted by what the media and what the government are doing. We stand powerful and we are adamant and WE SHOULD BE FEARED.

    But this poem? Well does the teenage soldier even exist? When we try to rise up, we are stood down. We've been brought up in this mess and when we try to speak out we're silenced. We are blocked out. Made unconscious. As if selfies and booty culture is all that define us. As if we are not in a permanent contradiction of walking student debts - just so that we can then sell our labour to an unforgiving market filled with competitors not comrades. As if we are not so alienated from one another that we find consolation in our phones and fantasy. WE ARE SO MUCH MORE. We can be so much more. And the world should let us be so much more.
    March 26th, 2015 at 12:41am
  • This seems kinda of like an anthem of our generation...at least, my take on it. We're dangerous because older people don't suspect we're capable of...well, anything. We may as well not exist as far as they're concerned but that's why they should be afraid of us. They know nothing about us. That was just my takeaway from it. If it's got another meaning I'd love to find out what it is!
    March 15th, 2015 at 11:10pm