Breaking Slowly - Comments

  • serizenna

    serizenna (100)

    United States
    This was actually a pretty good poem. I know what it is like to bullied I was billed a lot during my school years up to my senior year in 2008 when I went to alternative school. Those people who are bullying you don't make you who you are. Just remember that. I promise you if ignore them and be your brilliant beautiful self you can do all the things they say you can't. I was told I would never graduate high school. I did with a 3.5 gpa. I also come from a broken home where we were abused and neglected. I went to college for awhile but then my son was dx with autism and I flunked out. For awhile it really felt as things weren't going to get better. But that was almost two years ago and after a lot of fighting and etc my son is making progress and life is getting easier. Self harm isn't the answer, but I understand how you feel, I once was that way to. Keep your head up hun. And remember you are amazing and beautiful and brilliant.
    March 20th, 2015 at 07:48am