Modern Day Daisy Petals - Comments

  • to the comment below (or above?): the whole point is that I love you/I hate you is the only intelligble thing. it is called Modern Day Daisy Petals -- you know, 'he loves me, he loves me not'? you pull the petal off to get your meaning, your answer. picture the jumbly, sensless letters as the petals of flowers no one gives anymore and replace them with technology (?) i.e. the modern jumble of letters.
    maybe i'm full of it, but i like it. even if i'm poetically dense.
    September 30th, 2008 at 04:00am
  • The way you wrote it isn't terrible. The wonderful thing about poetry has always been the fact that it has few rules. Mostly for me I just don't understand the point. I mean, the only intelligible part of the poem is "I hate you/I love you". I applaud the usage of a different style, I just think the message needs to be a bit clearer. The title is rather cryptic, as well. It just seems kind of...contrived. I think that it has potential, however. It just needs some polishing. =)
    July 19th, 2008 at 05:37am