Silence. Laughter. Touch. ill. - Comments

  • rock_ur_self

    rock_ur_self (150)

    United States
    I've read most of your poems (and a few of your stories) and they are brilliant. You have such a gift with words. Amazing! I just wish I could write half as good as you do. You’re an inspiration and whenever I feel like giving up on writing I read something you wrote- which reminds me why I write. This might sound weird, but thanks. :)
    June 26th, 2009 at 12:40am
  • likely lads

    likely lads (100)

    United States
    Positively [i]brilliant[/i]. I'm absolutely amazed.
    The repition worked quite perfectly, and the flow was nice as well.
    But, it seemed in some lines, the excellence was lessened by how it seemed like the larger words were thrown in there. Not to say that a high vocabulary is anything but wonderful, I just didn't feel it worked with this piece.

    [i]Touch. Soft, something to feel.
    Never again. The wounds are still fresh and sore.
    Touch. Pain – melting away like candlelit wax.
    Never again. That ill sensation will fade.
    Touch. Meant to comfort, meant to relax.
    Never again. Love is a myth, a forgotten lore.
    Touch. Something good, something to heal.
    Never again. Like a Touch, life will jade.[/i]

    That stanza amazed me and actually made my eyes widen.
    May 25th, 2007 at 06:52pm