It seems that you have a very intelligent, interesting mind.
I love it, though, and I think your style of writing is very eloquent and truthful.
Even though I'm not sure I understand!
LOL, it seems to me that it's sort of about getting tired of people making you feel like you have to be a certain way && wanting to, like, let loose and be yourself, because if you don't, it'll drive you to insanity.
IDK, that might not be what you're trying to portray, but either way, it was a very interesting read and I like your way with words.
Good job!
I don't really know what to say about the poem. It's fantastic, of course. I've not read anything like this in a very long time. I have to say that, at first I didn't get it at all, I had to read through it twice to get it. I could be wrong, however. I won't post what I think so that others will think of the meaning as well, and not just follow what I said.
I could probably read this poem for hours. It reminds me of a lot of things.
You have some wonderful talent going on in that head of yours.
omg omg omg, hehe i sounded weird anyway, i think i am addicted to Last November, too!! By the way finally there is someone who doesnt think my poems are weird!!! THank you ;)