You've Changed (Just One More Chip on the Tile) - Comments

  • english house

    english house (100)

    United States
    If you mean who I think you do, and I'm like 110% you do, we had to. 'Cause she's not the girl she used to be.

    This is kind of beastly, by the way. Like seriously, I can tel reading your poems how much emotion is poured into them. They're lovely, and the repition of that one stanza in this makes everything flow so nicely. It's beautiful in a sad, kinda twisted way, but I like it like that <3
    January 3rd, 2009 at 10:39pm
  • sue donym.

    sue donym. (100)

    United States
    It's a song.
    I'm one of two lyricists for the band I'm in: Watching Nixon.

    Yeah, it's long and pretty straightforward...
    But, it means a great deal to me.

    It's about a process that I, unfortunately had to go through in 2008:
    Losing one of your two all-time best friends ever.
    She changed. Dramatically. Negatively.

    And, eventually, my other best friend and I just had to... Leave her, you know?

    Zero 1 is a band, by the way. Arena rock/metal band. They're really good and I listen to them sometimes when I get depressed.
    January 3rd, 2009 at 10:25pm