Betrayed Love

Betrayed Love~

I will always see his bright blue eyes
Whenever I dream
I say, what a charming disguise
Rising up from the steam

His gentle touch caressing my skin
As he looks at me beneath the night
It's as if seeing him is only a sin
I don't ever think I'll see the light

But nothing can dare seperate us
Our sweet love is ecstasy
I swear to you it is not lust
But a sweet cup of lipton tea

Love as hot as fire
Is something that we will always share
I swear to you I am not a liar
'][[That is something I cannot ever bare

His heart is something I cannot take
And of course something I could not break
Whenever I see him going down
I'll pick him up and give him a crown

He'll always be my prince
My kngiht and shining armor
It has always been like this since
Since he only became my sweet charmer

To see that dangerous frown
As I always hoped I could put it upside down
But I never could
As I wish I would

Everything turned on that one dark day
As there in the dark night is where my body layed
Surrounded in crismon as I wish that this was never my fate
But as you can see it was already too late

I was dying here
Betrayed by my heart
No it was fear
Always from the start

A man that I called my prince
Left me long ago
Such tragedy has been there since
Oh, what a lovely show