The Way to Happiness

"Writing for a penny a word is ridiculous. If a man really wants to make a million dollars, the best way would be to start his own religion" – L. Ron Hubbard, 1940’s

L. Ron Hubbard keep your Dianetics,
I can audit my own mind.
The American Journal of Psychiatry,
Was right to stomp your ‘scientific find’.

I brought my thetan to Earth so I could shower you in cash,
and let the Narconon take dibs my stash.
Operation freakout; Paulette, run for your life!
Lisa McPherson; a comatose homicide.

Psychiatry: an industry of death?
Scientology: an industry of theft.
The Citizens Commission on Human Rights,
can’t control their own psychotic state of mind.

Tom Cruise, you can keep your pamphlets,
I’ll find my own happiness in time.
“The Way to Happiness” won’t solve your problems,
if your credit card gets declined.

I brought my thetan to Earth so I could shower you in cash,
and let the Narconon take dibs my stash.
Operation freakout; Paulette, run for your life!
Lisa McPherson; a comatose homicide.

Psychiatry: an industry of death?
Scientology: an industry of theft.
The Citizens Commission on Human Rights,
can’t control their own psychotic state of mind.

I brought my thetan to Earth so I could shower you in cash,
and let the Narconon take dibs my stash.
Operation freakout; Paulette, run for your life!
Lisa McPherson; a comatose homicide.

Psychiatry: an industry of death?
Scientology: an industry of theft.
The Citizens Commission on Human Rights,
Can’t control their own psychotic state of mind.

“After making these comments about wanting to start a religion to make money - The drug using, hypnotist and possible pedophile, L Ron Hubbard went on to create the 'Church' of Scientology.”
♠ ♠ ♠
the quotes are spoken word portions of the song, and were taken from an anti-scientology site, though I can't remember the title. haha. Just noting that they aren't my words...