Just Another

Some things I say send you running for the hills
and others just leave you guessing.
Not that I ever intended the hurt, just needed the out.

And once you've moved on from here,
with your blonde and your beautiful,
taking this outta context,
will just be another memory to you.

Because when you spare a thought for me,
all you'll really remember is the outline of my self-esteem,
crumbling underneath the pressure of a thousand eyes.
But you'll never actually spare a thought.

I'm just another passing fancy,
just another late night text.
Just another girl who sparks a smirk,
just another, just another notch.

I've never been one for theatrics,
or one for the public eye,
the lime light you crave.
But I'll stand on this table and tell you off.
Just so you can get your daily fill.

But I'm not a passing interest,
I'm not some fashion fad.
You can't wear me on your arm,
or con me into bed.
I'm a C+ student,
with nothing true to prove.

I'm just not another day that passes,
or a hoodie to be worn.
I have my moral values,
I have my dignity.
And I refuse to lose myself,
just because you bat those eyes at me.

I refuse to let my guard down,
I refuse to lose myself.
I refuse to be just another,
I refuse to be yours.