At fourteen you don't need sickness or death for tragedy.

fourteen and i don't know if you know
how it feels to be sitting here, thinking
i should be doing something bigger, better.
fourteen and i want to be Sylvia Plath, Jack Johnson, Someone (that makes a difference.)

fourteen and i'm already pressured
about college and its financial hardships.
do i really want to be hundreds of miles away from where i grew up?
fourteen and i don't even have enough money
to pay for even one day of college.

fourteen and i want to do everything and nothing
all at the same time.
i want to join the marines, so all i'll have to do is follow orders.
i want to drop out and run away so i won't have to follow any.
fourteen and i want to save the world from poverty all while taking a nice, needed nap.

fourteen and i want to stand on the white house
and scream at the world
for telling me to be different,
for telling me to not stand out,
and for making "sorry you are not a winner" bottle caps.
fourteen and i think i'm going crazy.