Things I can't ever replace

Things I can't ever replace;
The tears on your face,
The thoughts in your mind,
The things we leave behind.

Things I can't ever face;
The end of the race,
The thought of losing you,
It's sad but it's true.

I'm hiding,
I'm dying,
I'm unable to replace your faith,
Unable to prolong the vision of your wraith.

Your faith is dead,
the price on your head,
The end is only nearing,
It's not worth my hearing.

Farewell, adieu,
That's the end of you,
It's time for me to carry on,
Forever living as a pawn.
♠ ♠ ♠
Note: "Wraith" means a ghost or spectre, an apparition of the dead; specifically, an apparition of a living person as if dead, seen as a death omen.