Honest Liars

They told me he'd lie.
Just some small white fibs.
"I'm in a band."
"My parents hate me."
All his life,
All these years,
I've known him.
But now when he does,
It's a bit too far.
Not all the time does he lie though.
Only sometimes.
I suppose that would make him..
An honest liar?

She said a lot of things to me.
A lot of things,
That can't be taken back.
Too many things,
For that matter.
She told me she loved me.
Then, she ripped my heart out and said,
"Like a brother."
I suppose that makes her..
An honest liar.

Family and friends.
Who needs 'em?
All they do it lie,
Lie, and spit.
Spit in your eye.

They told me they'd never fight again.
And off.
Twenty hours later..
They got so far.
But they didn't care.
They divorced,
Or said they would.
I suppose that means..
They're honest liars.

Are you a liar? Do you say something, and not mean it? Do you promise, but don't keep?
You're killing someone. And who knows, it may be your mom. Your dad. Your best friend..