my journey

my vision blurred all i see was everything spinning around my head getting mixed up and confusing,
i didn't remember anything,
if it was possible i would have felt my heart bruising,
all of the distrust maybe it was better i didn't remember everything,
not knowing who i was, not knowing what to do,
just laying there waiting for someone to help me,
not knowing what i've been through,
not knowing helping myself was the key,
everything coming back to me,
seeing it flash before my eyes,
all of the pain and all of the lies,
re-living every moment,
more and more time passing me by,
feeling like i was being held captive not being able to escape,
i really didn't know how much more i could take,
all of a sudden everything stopped.
confused,hurt, and completely shocked,
i get up a little dazed and confused.
not feeling as great as i wanted to.
i got up noticing my vision was cleared,
i got exactly what i had feared,
everyone left and i was all on my own,
i just had to remember what i was shown,
i started walking up the hill that suddenly appeared in front of me,
i would do anything to even feel a little free,
taking one step at a time,
attempting to walk a straight line,
all that i wanted was to go home,
i've never felt this alone,
walking up this hill with nobody by my side,
all i wanted to do was give up and cry,
but instead i kept going until i could see the top,
i just wanted to stop,
i told myself i had to keep walking,
thinking about the past and all of the memories i had been blocking,
i was so close to the top, so close to succeeding,
remembering everyone had been so misleading,
trying to ignore it and keep walking,
that's when i heard the happy voices talking,
laughing and having fun,
that's when i started to run,
i was running faster, almost there,
tripping, stumbling without a care,
i felt myself getting happier with every step i take,
glad that with everything that happened to me, that i didn't break.
i finally made it to the top, and now i feel content,
content with myself and with my life,
even though everyone had left me, i don't have anybody i will resent,
i am happy and don't have to deal with all of my old strife.