Mr. Flirtybutt

We kept it a secret
We didn’t know what people would think
Mine found out, yours still didn’t know
You told and they disagreed
Reasons so stupid that would make anyone mad
You were mad and I was confused
I asked and you told
I didn’t understand ‘till I got home
I cried and cried
It didn’t help
It just made the hurt worse
We talk once in a while
But not like we used to
And secretly I love hearing your voice
Then we go back to not talking ‘till next time
And I dream and I hope for some other way to be with you
But there’s one thing that keeps us apart
Something that’s hard to change
I won’t , I was raised one way and you were raised another
Now today we talk for the first time in weeks
I miss you and me being us
It hurts but I’ll live
I just got the best advice from a friend
We can stay friends is what you said
Yet you still flirt with me like crazy
Which makes it even worse
How long will this go on
You were my first and won’t be my last
Mr. Flirty Butt please talk to me soon
And don’t be away for long
Now you’re my ex but I still wish I was yours
Things got pretty bad when you left
Things that are slowly getting better
Things that only took a few words to destroy

The story of
---my ex---
---my first ex---
April 2009
♠ ♠ ♠
This poem is about and inspired by my first boyfriend. His name is Nick. We broke up and a few days later I wrote this. I hated him for almost a year because he broke my heart. I finally wrote him a note hoping to make things better between us. It turns out that it did, because a few weeks later he sent me a message saying sorry for everything. Now we are good friends again, and I finally let him read parts of it. I'm glad that I'm friends with him again.