Untold Memories

Last night i dreamt of
our life together....
i BLUSHED when you
said i was beautiful,
i FELT your soft hand
in mine, i fell into your
arms when you finally
came home, i LAUGHED
as i watched you tackle
your older brother, i CLOSED
my eyes as you played me
a song, i DANCED in
the rain beside you, i
walked the empty streets
of Jersey with you, i ACCEPTED
your proposal, i TREMBLED
as i made my way down
the aisle, i CHERISH that
first kiss, i heard you
whisper words of love
into my ear as our
clothes dropped to the
floor for the very
first time, i HELD our
newborn baby, we
lived happily ever after,
i SOBBED when i woke
up and you
were gone.....