
Babies don’t judge people
They don’t know right from wrong
They giggle and laugh
They eat and then leave unpleasant surprises
They don’t know and don’t care about what you look like
They don’t care as long as they are shown attention
I am sorry I judged you
I am sorry I cared
I am sorry if I hurt you
It was not your fault
You could not help all the times you shook
All the times you could not speak
All the times you tried to hug me
I cringed away
I hurt you I know
My mother said don’t take it personally
I know you did
What’s done is done
And you have passed
If I could go back, I would
I would change my behaviors
I would change my attitude
I would change my actions
I would look past your illness
I would get over my fear
I would see you for what you really were
A loving mother, aunt, grandmother, sister, friend
I would see that you could not help your movements
I would see you as the strong, kind and brave person that you were
I would finally see you as a strong influential role model
As hard as I tried I could not at the time
The illness is what I saw
I did not see the real you
Now that you’re gone I see
Now that you’re gone I realize, the joy of knowing you
Thank you for opening my eyes