Boy Lost Flirt Won

When are you going to realize
That she is not the one for you?
She never has
And never will be.
She may have wishpered
Those sweet words in your ear
But they were all lies
Im sorry, but shes a tease
You should have realized that
From the beginning
She doesnt have feelings for you.
To her,
Your love for her
Is nothing more than a game
And you lost.
When you gave her that flower
It meant nothing to her.
When you danced with her
She felt nothing.
You were just another poor boy
Who fell into her game.
She played you.
Can you please open you eyes
And move on!!!
I hate seeing you suffer like this!
You keep pouring your heart out
And saying how you feel
But she is not listening!
You took your heart out
And offered it to her
But she refused.
Yet you still leave your heart out,
Letting her walk all over it.
You keep offering your love
But she doesnt want it
You mourn for her
But shes not worth it.
Get out of this gane
Before you die.
Just open your eyes
And see that you lost
And she won.