A Long journey not worth it's destination

Never meant for it to happen like this
Never meant to break your heart like this
but unfortunately there's no way other than this

You mean nothing to me
It doesn't matter the length of the journey
because you were abusive
and i know not physically,
but you were emotionally

I may have been under your spell
but not anymore
when i came across the smell
of your disgusting whore
that just spelled the letters "AIDS"
across her forehead
and it almost made me yell

But then i thought about the past
about how much you and other people called me an outcast
about how much you laughed those times i was in a cast
about how much you thought i was weird
and about how much you called me a queer

But then there was one day
when you said those three words,
I've always wanted to hear someone say
"I love you" and that's how you set your spell
Well i have a few words for you
"Go to fucking hell!"