Deep In Thought

Head down..neck stiff...mouth into a frown...teeth clenched behind closed lips. Blue eyes searching...yet so vacant and blind...head aching...too many things on the mind. Hands clenched to sides...legs together...nothing to's all gone. Tears forming...rapid one else can know...what the heads thinking. Heart pounding...chest hurting...thoughts crowding...pain flirting. Words are being spoken...but aren't being caught...feelings are being broken...still deep in thought. Things are moving...can't grasp what...shadows looming...the lights went out. Sleeps forming...eyes aren't prepared to close...voices are growing...of what, who knows. Tears finally leak...and aren't held back...they flow freely...cascading down wherever they land. Slipping into dream world...where reality is worries...go have fun. The lights back...eyes must open up...brightness attacks...voices need to shut-up. The routines starting reason to go on...nothing lasts forever...close your eyes little one.