Goodbye x

All I can really say is how much I miss you.
That i wish there had been more time to make more memories.
I hated not seeing you enough but I hated watching you gradually leave us more.
You were strong no matter how weak you felt.
You told me how proud you were of me, always making me laugh.
I remember those times a lot but I also remember the last time I saw you.
I didn't say goodbye, and i'm sorry.
Looking back, I wish I had.
You knew we were there, you knew it was us.
They said you were unconcious but I know in my heart you opened your eyes.
You looked at me and that was your way of saying goodbye.
Finding out you had gone and accepting it, everything that happened in those months were one of the hardest things iv'e ever been through.
I will never forget them and I will never forget you.
I still cry and I still think about you.
I only hope that you are watching me and that I can make you proud.
Goodbye, Goodnight, God bless.
Love Maytee Peeps x