Just Beacuse.

Remember me.
Remember I am human. My heart still beats inside of me. I can cry. I can bleed. I can die.
I’m not a doll. Not a robot. Not a mannequin.
I am me.

Just because I’m not the perfect girl to you.
Doesn’t mean that im any less of one, and that I can’t achieve what you can.
Just because I’m blonde.
Doesn’t make me any less smarter than a brunette.
Just because I cry.
Doesn’t mean im any less stronger than you thought.
Just because I say I’m fine.
Doesn’t mean I really am; ask again if you really care about me.
Just because I said I didn’t care.
Doesn’t mean that I don’t.
Just because I pretended I didn’t hear those words.
Doesn’t mean that they didn’t hurt.
Just because I didn’t say that I loved you.
Doesn’t mean that I forgot, or that I don’t love you anymore.
Just because I didn’t tell you how I felt.
Doesn’t mean I don’t trust you. or that you won’t understand.
Just because I have my own opinion.
Doesn’t mean that I’m stuck up, it means im not the same as everyone else.
Just because I made a mistake.
Doesn’t mean I did it on purpose.
Just because I can’t let go.
Doesn’t mean I’m weak, it’s that you meant too much to me.
Just because I didn’t say goodbye.
Doesn’t mean you didn’t matter, it was just too hard to do.
Just because I cant forget the past.
Doesn’t mean I don’t want to, it’s that it’s a part of me.
Just because I’m not smiling all the time.
Doesn’t mean I’m never happy.
Just because I fell in love.
Doesn’t mean I’ll forget you.
Just because I don’t tell you how grateful I am.
Doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate everything you’ve done for me.
Just because I’m not with you all the time.
Doesn’t mean I’m not by your side.
Just because ive left some people behind.
Doesn’t mean im a bad person, everyone that matters is in the stars with me.

Just because I’m me.
Doesn’t mean you can treat me any differently.