A horse’s Eyes

A horse’s eyes hold the key to unlock your soul
They see your thoughts
Your desires
Your heart

A horse’s eyes see many things
They see abusers
They see lovers
They see the ones who don’t care either way

A horse’s eyes experience different people
The ones who give them a carrot every time they pass
The ones who smack them across their face when they make a mistake
The ones who whisper words into their ears and are just their as comfort

A horse’s eyes unmask all that dare tread in their presence
A girl who seems to have it all, but when around a horse, her loss spills out
A boy who seems scared and shy, but when with a horse can fly
A old man who seems weak, but when with a horse he’s Superman

A horse’s eyes reflect
Reflect love
Reflect hope and reflect miracles

A horse’s eyes go through stages
when they are young, they depend on their dams
when they are grown, they work with riders
when they are old, they depend on many different things to keep them going

A horse’s eyes can’t tell the difference
If your black
or white
Or brown

A horse’s eyes love you for who you are
for how you treat them
for how you love them
for how you respect them

A horse’s eyes are able to find their greatest treasure in life
Not food
Not shelter
But love, from a rider