Word Vomit

I twist and turn under words
That feel like they should be spoken,
But are too sharp to taste.
I hate.
This is bitter, A waste.
Like me.
Like you said.
I deserve nothing but dead.
Dead lines in dead empty spaces where hearts used to be.
And I am free?
That's what you think.
The sharp eyes catch onto this end of things.
Words tangled around trees,
Crawling up spines on backs of eyes
That are forever unseeing.
How can you be so blind?
I love you and you don't even SEE me.
How is this fair, when you don't even know me?
I know the end is near.
And I fear, love, that you are the cause.
How do I know my fate so soon?
This epilogue is unfair.
I want a new beginning to change this last chapter of my life.
I don't want to die.
Not in your arms.
Not here.
Not now.
I am worth more than vowel sounds on lips that forget
My exsistance.
I am nothing?