without you

(alright this is a poem i wrote during camp at the beginning of the summer. constructive critism only please)

when we first met
i thought i'd never let
you have my heart
but after a bit i did

you took my heart
you tore it apart
now i see
this is the worst place to be
how could you do this
throw a dart and miss

heartbreak is the loudest sound you'll never hear
the feeling that i feel
when you are near
i can't escape the pain
everything i thought we had
is down the drain
the wind in my heart blows icy
hurt becomes enticing

never again will i love
never again will i feel
killing myself just to heal
these broken parts don't fit
i can't do this- i quit
stop the game
pause for a while
cause i don't want everything
to stay the same

if i let you go
would you come back
if you were gone
pieces would be missing
i'd lack
like a bird in the sky, i'd be gone
this darkness in my soul is long
i can never be healed
my feelings are sealed

are you happy now
because i've no idea how
you got in my head
ever since you said
"hi, my name's [insert my-friends-know-who's name]"
well guess what, you're a loser
you're {insert word that rhymes with name}

i'll never forget you
i know that much is true
i've said some pretty bad things
but i'm letting my hate go
on butterfly wings
i could never hate you
not even a bit
don't turn your head
my regret will turn to dread

you'll never like me back
but that's okay
my wounds heal today
you'll never say
the three magic words
for me to even think that
it's absurd

i can still hope
and i can still dream
right now the way it seems
it'll be all right
i've made it through the night
i've been made new
everything's fine

without you.