A Dream on Edge

This was a song I wrote a long time ago. ...I'm not sure what inspired me to write it, but I think I was having one of those days....

A dream on edge is all there's left
There's nothing more that can change that
It's all about to end and I can't stand it

Why does it have to break away
Why does it have to crash and burn
Cuz in this life there's nothing to look up to
When you're up against the world again
Cuz in this life there's nothing to look up to
When you're down and there's no one around

I don't believe
I can't believe
In hope again
It just leads to nowhere
Nevertheless, I'll try again
But now, what's the use?

Why does it have to break away
Why does it have to crash and burn
Cuz in this life there's nothing to look up to
When you're up against the world again
Cuz in this life there's nothing to look up to
When you're down and there's no one around

Dreaming has never helped
So, why would it now?
Dream's on edge
I might give in now
Leave it all behind
So I can carry on

Cuz in this life there's nothing to look up to
When you're up against the world again
Cuz in this life there's nothing to look up to
When you're down and there's no one around