I don’t miss his face
I don’t want to see it again if I can help it
I don’t miss is face, but
I miss his hands
His hugs
His arms, his chest
His grip in mine just for the seconds
How dare he make me happy!
How dare he make me trust him!
And maybe that’s why I lost that trust
And I say to my friends it’s all over
When it’s really not
Because I thought I had this all figured out
I thought it would be fine
But now that I am moving on
Away for real this time
I feel the same as I always have
Though the time keeps going by
Another love might make forget
Sometime far from now
But in the mean time
I don’t feel like I could love again
Like anyone could ever care like that again
Though I’m scared to be alone for so long
And I haven’t got a choice
Now that I have had the time to sit and think
I see it’s not over
When I wish that it was

I don’t want him back
I don’t want his pain
I hardly remember who he was
Just he feeling that was there
I just want someone to hold me
And explain that it’s okay
That I have a right to feel this way
And I hope to hell I do

Why did I keep living?
I remember a time not long ago
When I wanted nothing more than to die
I wanted nothing more in the world
Then the simple ability to just say goodbye
And leave all the shit behind
I wanted nothing more than for a few people to tell me
That it was ok to do
You told yourself before
If it all goes wrong there is always a way out
And you can always just say good day
And wave sorrowly as I go on my way
Under the water and drown it away
If my heart just stopped pumping
The hurt of the world would be gone
And then he came and went
So why would I stay at all?
Perhaps it was a family
And the guilt on their part
But more importantly
The music got me this far
So I can’t let Fink fail
And so I kept on living
And pasting back the pieces
Of a shattered dream
In a different fit than I had ever seen
They said my dreams would break
And theirs had along the way
But they found a way to live
And so have I this far today

I used to be my own protection
But not now
Though I’ve found one correction
A poetry that loves me
No matter where I go
No matter what I do
And with me I carry a broken heart
On my ring finger
That’s what this is to me
This is now the life I choose

(For the first person I truely loved and lost more than once, and to a new beginning. Finished July 2, 2007)