Dear Diary

Dear diary
I'm sorry
I tried my best
But it was never enough
You didn't care for me
You never thought of how I may feel
Dear Diary
I'm sorry
I guess my best just didn't suffice
For you and your crazy needs
Is this the end
Of one of the best times of my life
Dear Diary
This is the end
Of everything we've been through
Good and bad, it'll all gone
Never to return, ever again
Dear diary
Never again will I ever write to him
He doesn't want me, he doesn't care
Why does he effect me this way
He only had a piece
Of my broken heart
But it was enough to make me lose my mind
Never to get anything back
Dear diary
This is the end
The end of the best friendship I thought I could have
It's gone down the drain
Never to return again
Never to return again