No More Loving Me

We kiss so pure
But the lipstick burns
We hide away
But the rain always follows
We don't know
How much we live for
We're not sure
If we could cost a dime
But I think
It's about time
To get our heads out of the clouds
To understand that we shouldn't be this way
However fun it is
It's not worth wasting kisses
Let's go ride
On rollercoasters
But this time
There will be no more love
'Cause you know
And I know
That we're not
Meant to be
Love won't come
In our fantasies
So baby
It's time to be serious
Time to stop loving me
'Cause we're going nowhere
And I'm not staying here.
♠ ♠ ♠
Friends with benefit that gets too far and it becomes hard for them somehow. I'm nto exactly sure why I wrote this but it's mainly for song lyrics.