
I'm young and different
I was never raised like you
my family has never wanted me and my friends all left

all of this should have broken me
all of this should have driven me to the edge
all of this should have scarred me for life

but i won't let you win
i won't drop to my knees in surrender
i won't let you have to pleasure of seeing my blood

I will stand up and motivate
I will lead you if you give me the chance
I will do whatever it takes to win, and i dare you to try and stop me

My friends say i'm a poet, i just don't know it
they say i will day living the life i love
they say i am unwise

I do it not to impress you
I do it not to cure my uncuenchable blood lust
i do it not for the thrill

I do it for everyone crying in pain
I do it for everyone dying in the rain
I do it for everyone who hurt me

Because everyone...EVERYONE, deserves a second chance

-Jack Young "irish"