Things we need to know

Times are tough
Things may be rough
We are all getting old
Won't be long till we feel the cold

Searching for the light
Isn't always right
The light can cause pain
It may even make you go insane

In life you must learn
It is okay to yearn
Sometimes it's better to walk than run
And if you can't play by the rules you're done

Some people give you a story with a twist
Instead of giving you the whole gist
Most people think to start it is wrong
But it is quite alright to play along

Life is full of twist and turns
But its you own path that helps you learn
Many people give you the benefit of the doubt
If not then find your own way out

There are choices you have to make
Choose wisely they can make or break
Your choices can build you up or take you down
So look at the consequences all around