More than the normal black day.

Crouched in a corner,
He'd rather fight than walk away.
See her bleeding mascara.
It's gone too far;
More than the normal black day.

Maybe there's beauty in good byes.
He always pushes her away.
Still she searches for the good in his eyes.
Just more reasons to cry;
More than the normal black day.

Everyday she sits and wait.
Heavily broken, fear never goes away.
Love, jealousy and hate.
Hear the sound of closing doors;
More than the normal black day.

I won't crash and burn again.
You're not worth my tears no more.
The time I've spent waiting,
Waiting for your love.
But now.
I know I deserve better.
You don't know me at all.
I have expectations.
Close your eyes.
I am.