At Least We Had Our Thrill

Seventh grade, science class.
We were very much a contrast.
Inseparable all the same.
We claimed to some day reach fame.

Eighth grade, still good.
We were both so understood.
No drama, or arguments.
We always had our little events.

Ninth grade, separate ways.
You met a boy and went through a faze.
I learned to shut my mouth and get over it.
I was the should to cry on when the boy thought you were unfit.

Tenth grade, so much worse.
You made friends, and I couldn't even converse.
You were teased and I was ignored.
You tried so hard and I was just bored.

Now, it's just barely there,
and we just don't care.
This is over, it's the end.
Thanks for the journey, my friend.

I don't regret us, I never will.
At least we had our thrill.