It couldn't have happened anywhere but in little old New York.

take my hand.
you'll be surprised that it fits nicely into yours.
we'll get the first flight to New York
and declare ourselves the leaders of the city.
we'll go in the winter time,
that way you'll finally have a white december like you always wanted.
we'll march up a hill top,
write secrets on tiny sheets of paper and
throw them into the wind for the world to discover.
we'll jump onto the stages of broadway,
sing out of tune, and run away with innocence in our eyes.
you'll blindfold me and take me to central park,
where we'll drink champagne and laugh the night away.
we'll wear our sunglasses at night at an attempt to be cool.
and fall in love, or at least pretend to, because we got caught up in the moment.
we'll steal everyone's happiness and put it in a jar;
a christmas present for everyone back home.
we'll be scared, but we'll hold hands,
and laugh. for a moment in time,
the world will be ours.
and even though we're only seventeen
we can still walk down the roads
of the city that never sleeps.
for the sky high buildings and sunshine stand no chance
against your smile