AA and Separation

its for the best you finally said.
i know i heard you don't say it agian.
your choice of escape
left you in the dust,
and we were all just left staring.

new ways to expierience things.
people you thought you loved
were let down.
your drunken stupor left a different impression
of things you thought you knew.

a man we all thought we had left behind
was really just hiding in your shadow.
we should have known.
it should have been easy to see
the man lurking behind the beer.

it's for the best i tell you.
but you pretend you dont hear.
now it's time for you to pull your shit together,
and decide whether or not
you actually do care.

a poolhall was more of a home
than ours was for you.
im sorry there dear old dad but
kids aren't a convienience,
apparently just little mistakes.

just go on and say it.
it wont break my heart.
i've actually always hated you
so you'll finally understand
just how i feel.

why aren't you a daddy's girl
you asked me once.
well maybe i didnt want to be
second best to an
ice cold addiction.