
I hear the beating of the drums,

The rhythmic pounding to and fro,

You stand there and smile at me.

Soon it will be your time to go.

Now had I of known,

Had you of told me,

Had this mystery unravelled, slowly,

Would I have acted differently?

Would I have told you,

That I care?

Would I have whispered and promised,

To always be there?

Would I have made an effort.

Would I have kissed you sweetly?

Would I have pulled you close,

And embraced you tightly?

All of these memories,

Mix with my thoughts.

It feels like my heart,

Has forcefully stopped.

All I can ask is; what if?

And think of the mistakes.

It’s wrong but I can’t help it,

It’s an error everyone makes.

I don’t want to be plagued by your presence,

Nor adopt a memory like a sieve.

But to be haunted by your memories...

Is that anyway to live?

I promise I will keep you in my heart,

And love you to the end.

Because now I can honestly say,

You were my one and only friend.

So now there is only one thing,

Left for me to really do.

Move on with my life and remember,

That I will always miss you.